Expert Witness/ Testimony Experience

The Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 585〈Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices on the Constitutionality of the Act for Establishing the Special Commission to Investigate the Authenticity of the 3/19 Gunshot Event on the Eve of the Presidential Election〉, issued on December 15, 2004)October 27, 28, 29, 2004.

擔任「三一九槍擊事件真相特別調查委員會條例」違憲疑義解釋案是否為暫時停止適用急速處分之言詞辯論,司法院大法官選任之鑑定人,提出湯德宗,〈「三一九槍擊事件真相特別調查委員會條例」釋憲案是否「命暫時停止適用」鑑定意見書〉(2004/10/14)。(並輯於氏著,《權力分立新論 卷一:憲法結構與動態平衡》,頁525~550)

Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices, Judicial Yuan/Branch (Taiwan equivalent to the U.S. Supreme Court), on the Constitutionality of the Article 55 Section 1 of the Labor Standards Act (the Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 578, issued on May 21, 2004) March 4, 2004.

Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices, Judicial Yuan, on the Unilateral Decision by the Executive Yuan to Suspend Construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant (Without Consent from the Legislative Yuan) (the Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 520, issued on January 15, 2001) December 21, 2000.

Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices, Judicial Yuan, on the Constitutionality of the Republic of China’s Constitutional Amendments of 1999 (the Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 499, issued on March 24, 2000)November 25, 1999.

Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices, Judicial Yuan, on the Constitutionality of the Republic of China’s Constitutional Amendments of 1999 (the Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 499, issued on March 24, 2000)November 26, 1999.

Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices, Judicial Yuan, on the Constitutionality of the Military Court System (the Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 436, issued on October 3, 1997) June 11, 1997.

Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices, Judicial Yuan, on the Speech and Debate Immunity of Members of the Legislative Yuan (the Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 435, issued on August 1, 1997) July 16, 1997.

Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices, Judicial Yuan, on the Constitutionality of Collecting Air-Pollution Fees Based on the Type and the Amount of Fuel Consumed (the Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 426, issued on May 9, 1997; to date, this remains the only environmental case decided by the Council of Grand Justices) April 15, 1997.

Expert Testimony at the Council of Grand Justices, Judicial Yuan/Branch (Taiwan equivalent to the U.S. Supreme Court), on the Constitutionality of the Republic of China’s Vice President Concurrently Serving as Premier (the Justices used this testimony as the basis of their Interpretation No. 419, issued on December 31, 1996) July 31, 1996.