Scholarly Jourbals

Scholarly Jourbals

湯德宗,〈再審黨產條例-兼論大法官釋字第 793 號解釋〉,載《台灣法學雜誌》,第413期,頁1~44(2021年4月)。

湯德宗,〈緬懷大法官吳孟庚先生〉,載《中研院法學期刊》,第22期,頁iv~xx (2018年3月);〈更正聲明〉,載《中研院法學期刊》,第23期,頁413(2018年9月)。



湯德宗,〈Critical Review of Interpretation No. 664 by the Council of Grand Justice號解釋評析〉,載《法令月刊》,第60卷第12期,頁426200912月)。

湯德宗,〈A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan’s Freedom of Information Act 2005〉,載《台大法學論叢》,第35卷第6期,頁37~116(2006年11月)。(TSSCI)

湯德宗,〈Reforming the Constitutional Review in Taiwan〉,載《日本台灣法律家協會協會雜誌》,第6號特別號,頁9~48(日本白鷗大學:2006年10月)。

湯德宗,〈Who, Other Than Me, Shall Take Such Heavy Burdens for a Long Way to Go? Critical Review of Interpretation No. 601 by the Council of Grand Justices號解釋評析〉,載《台灣本土法學雜誌》,第73期,頁183~190(2005年8月)。

湯德宗,〈Constitutional Interpretation and the Protection of Civil Servants’ Right to Sue〉,載《憲政時代》,第30卷第3期,頁353~389(2005年1月)。(另收於《司法院大法官九十三年度學術研討會—憲法解釋與訴訟權之保障》,頁313~354,司法院,民94年)

湯德宗,〈Part I: Are Justices Empowered to Issue a Preliminary Injunction to Suspend the Act under Review?〉,載《月旦法學雜誌》,117期,頁9~23(2005年2月)。(並輯於氏著,《權力分立新論 卷一:憲法結構與動態平衡》)

湯德宗,〈Constitutional Reform for the Millennium: Renovating the Extant Weak-Presidentialism〉,載《月旦法學雜誌》,第109期,頁74~99(2004年6月)。(並輯於氏著,《權力分立新論 卷一:憲法結構與動態平衡》)

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Concrete Review of Constitutionality and Due Process Guarantee: Reinforcing and Reforming Interpretation No. 535 of the Council of Grand Justices〉, in 29 (4) The Constitutional Review, pp. 445~480 (April 2004).

湯德宗,〈The Obligation of Abstention as a requirement of impartiality in the Administrative Procedure: A Critical Review of Three Decisions by the Supreme Administrative Court〉,載《月旦法學雜誌》,第99期,頁199~222(2003年8月)。(並輯於氏著,《行政程序法論》)

湯德宗,〈Due Process in Reviewing the Application for Promotion of University Faculties: A Case Review of Interpretation No. 462 of the Council of Grand Justices〉,載《月旦法學雜誌》,第97期,頁227~240(2003年6月)。(並輯於氏著,《行政程序法論》)



Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Constitutional Basis for the Judicial Review of Legislative Discretion: A Preliminary Inquiry of Theories of Judicial Review of Constitutionality In Taiwan〉, in 26 (2) The Constitutional Review, pp. 3~44 (October 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Due Process in the Administrative Appeal Act〉, in 61 Taiwan Law Review, pp. 127~141 (June 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Due Process in Taking Adverse Personnel Actions against Civil Servants: A Review of Interpretation No. 491 of the Council of Grand Justices〉, in 10 Taiwan Law Journal, pp. 27~49 (May 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Due Process Guarantee under the ROC Constitution: A Critical Review of the Council of Grand Justices’ Interpretations over Due Process〉, in 25 (4) The Constitutional Review, pp. 3~33 (April 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Applicability of the Administrative Procedure Act〉, in 59 Taiwan Law Review, pp. 158~173 (April 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Legal Consequences of Violating Due Process of Administration〉, in 57 Taiwan Law Review, pp. 141~159 (February 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Legislative Purposes of the Administrative Procedure Act〉, in 56 Taiwan Law Review, pp. 146~160 (January 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Due Process in the Administrative Procedure Act〉, in 55 Taiwan Law Review, pp. 152~170 (December 1999).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈An Empirical Study on the Dissenting Opinions of the Council of Grand Justices〉, in 25 (1) The Constitutional Review, pp. 38~72 (July 1999).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Review of the Leading Cases on the Executive-Legislative Relationship by the Council of Grand Justices〉(paper originally presented at “the Conference in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Judicial Review in the Republic of China on Taiwan”) (Taipei: Judicial Yuan, September 19, 1998), reprinted in 42 (3) The Constitutional Review, pp. 65~109 (December 1998).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Recycling System in Taiwan: Review and Prospect〉, in 9 (3) Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, pp. 19~33 (August 1998).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈On the Separation-of-Powers Structure after the 1997 Constitution Reform: Alternating Presidentialism as Alternative〉, in 27 National Taiwan U. Law Journal, pp. 135~178 (Jan. 1998).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈On the Bottlenecks and Breakthroughs of Current Water Pollution Control for River basins〉, in 9(2) Soo-Chow U. L. Rev., pp. 111~157 (August 1996).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Critical Review of the Council of Grand Justices’ Interpretations of the Separation-of-Powers Doctrine: Part II〉, in 55 National Cheng-chi U. Law Review, pp. 1~45 (June 1996).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Critical Review of the Council of Grand Justices’ Interpretations of the Separation-of-Powers Doctrine: Part I〉, in 54 National Cheng-chi U. Law Review, pp. 19~60 (December 1995).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈On the Constitutionality of the Legislative Veto in Section 95 of the Statute Governing the Civil Relationship Between the People of the ROC and PRC: What Does the "Modified Parliamentary System" Mean?〉, in 19 (2) The Constitutional Review, pp. 23~48 (1993).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Environmental Law & Policy in Taiwan: Status Quo and Prospect〉, in 8 (1) Soo-Chow U. L. Rev., pp. 77~151 (March 1993).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Evaluation of and Prospect for the Constitutional Amendments by the Second National Assembly〉, in 58 (10) Chas Law Review, pp. 26~33 (January 1992).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Comment on the Leading Cases in the U.S. Supreme Court 1988-1989 Term〉, in 4 (5) American Monthly Journal, pp. 21~31 (September 1989).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Theory and Practice of the American Clean Air Act〉, in 3 (1 & 2) The American Monthly Journal, p. 27 (April & May 1988).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Regulatory Strategies for Air Pollution Control in the United States〉, in 35 National Chenhchi U. Law Review, pp. 297~333 (1987).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Three-Branch Constitution, A Four-Branch Government, and Legislative Vetos: A Critical Analysis of INS v. Chadha〉, in 16(2) American Studies, pp. 27~99 (1986).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈On the Legal Protection of Civil Service Employees from Arbitrary Dismissal in the United States of America〉, in 32 National Chengchi U. Law Review, pp. 253~316 (1985).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Proposals for Revising the Election and Recall Act of 1980〉, in 6(3) The onstitutional Review, pp. 12~24 (1981).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈An Introduction to the Regulations Governing Election Campaign Expenses in West Germany and the United States〉, in 6(2) The Constitutional Review, pp. 77~95 (1980).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Comparative Study of the Contents and Nature of the Preambles to the Constitutions of Five Countries〉, in 5(4) The Constitutional Review, pp. 83~91 (April 1980); Republished in Treatise on the Sino-American Constitutional Articles, pp. 409~427 (Taipei: The Chinese Society of Constitutional Law, September 1987).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Comparative Study of Adoption Systems-- Proposals for Revising the Existing Adoption Law〉, in 25 (9) Military Law Review, pp. 15~24 (1979) (Received the ROC National Youth Academic Writing Price, Ministry of Education, 1980).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Comparative Study of Adoption Systems-- Proposals for Revising the Existing Adoption Law〉, in 25 (10) Military Law Review, pp. 14~22 (1979) (Received the ROC National Youth Academic Writing Price, Ministry of Education, 1980).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Comparative Study of Adoption Systems-- Proposals for Revising the Existing Adoption Law〉, in 25 (11) Military Law Review, pp. 22~32 (1979) (Received the ROC National Youth Academic Writing Price, Ministry of Education, 1980).

International Scholarly Journals


湯德宗(徐行 譯),〈台灣大法官釋字第748號解釋解析〉,載《北大法学論集》,第71卷第6号,頁255~285(日本北海道大學,2021年3月)。

Dennis T. C. Tang, Taiwan Proposes Amendments to its 1995 Data Protection Act: Scope Expanded but no Supervisory Authority, Privacy Laws & Business International Newsletter, vol. 97, pp. 19~20 (United Kingdom, 2009).

Dennis T. C. Tang, New Developments in Environment Law and Policy in Taiwan, Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, vol. 6, pp. 245~304 (Seattle: U. of Washington, USA, 1997).

Dennis T. C. Tang, The Environment Laws and Policies of Taiwan: A Comparative Law Perspective, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, vol.26, pp. 521~580 (Nashville: Vanderbilt U., U.S.A, 1993).

Dennis T. C. Tang, The Environment Regulations of Taiwan: A Comparative Law Perspective, Jahrbuch des Umwelt-und-Technikrechts, pp. 261~293 (Trier: Trier U., Germany, 1993).

Dennis T. C. Tang, On the Legal Protection of Civil Service Employees from Arbitrary Dismissal, Administrative Law Review, vol. 37, pp. 37~93 (Chicago: American Bar Association, U.S.A., 1985).
(SSCI 期刊)