Article in books

Chinese Articles




Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Chapter 16: Administrative Procedures, in Administrative Law〉, pp. 25~172 (Yuh-Sheng Weng ed.) (Taipei: 4rd ed. 2020) (ISBN: 978-957-511-317-9)

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,資訊公開暨資訊隱私法案例研究(2009/01~2009/12,收於《2010行政管制與行政爭訟》,頁433~505(中央研究院法律所,民100年)。(ISBN: 978-986-02-9963-2(精裝);978-986-02-9964-9(平裝);有審查制度)

黃國昌、湯德宗,台灣法官的在職進修– 現況與憧憬初探,收於《2010兩岸四地法律發展》(下冊),頁843~895(中央研究院法律所,民100年)。(ISBN: 978-986-02-9242-8(精裝);978-986-02-9243-5(平裝);有審查制度)

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,資訊公開暨資訊隱私法案例研究(2007/11~2008/12),收於《2009行政管制與行政爭訟》,頁297~366(中央研究院法律所籌備處,民99年)。(ISBN: 978-986-02-4924-8;有審查制度)


Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,Constructing Coherent Standards of Constitutional Review: On the Idea of "Hierarchical Proportionality Principle", Constitutional Interpretation: Theory and Practice (Volume 6), pp. 581~660 (Taipei: Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, July 2009) (ISBN: 978-986-01-8748-9).

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,A Critical Review of Freedom-of Information and Information-Privacy Cases up of 2007, pp. 285~359 (Taipei: Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, November 2008) (ISBN: 978-986-01-5560-0).

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,A Critical Review of Freedom-of Information and Information-Privacy Cases up to 2006, in 2006 Administrative Regulations and Judicial Remedies2006/10, pp. 375~445 (Taipei: Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, October 2007) (ISBN: 978-986-01-0893-4).

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,On the Feasible Ways to Founding Constitutional Review in Mainland China, in 2006 Cross Strait, Four Region: Law Developments in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Macau, pp. 131~142 (Taipei: Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, August 2007) (ISBN: 9789860105186).

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,Constitutionalizing the Right of Access to Government Information, in Constitutional Interpretation: Theory and Practice (Volume 5), pp. 261~291 (Taipei: Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, March 2007) (ISBN: 978-986-00-8887-8).

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,On Request of Access to Government Information and Request of Access to Administrative Procedure Records : Critical Review of Administrative Courts’ Decisions, in 2005 Administrative Regulations and Judicial Remedies, pp. 123~164 (Taipei: Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, December 2006) (ISBN: 978-986-00-8061-2).

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,On Informed Consent in Instituting A Biobank, in Si Fen Brook Treaties: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Nobel Laureate Dr. Yuan-Zhe Lee’s 70th Birthday, pp. 985~1087 (Taipei: Asian Culture Co., November 2006) (ISBN: 978-986-7178-28-2).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Chapter 16: Administrative Procedures, in Administrative Law〉, pp. 25~155 (Yuh-Sheng Weng ed.) (Taipei: 3rd ed. 2006) (ISBN: 9789867279866)

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Constitutional Reform Engineering in the Millennium: A Proposal to Improve the Weak Presidentialism〉, in The New Subjects of Taiwanese Jurisprudence (Volume 3), pp. 1~46 (Taipei: Taiwan Law Society Organization, 2005) (ISBN: 957-98897-8-3).

Dennis T. C. Tang,Reforming the Constitutional Review System: A Transformation Path from Multiple High Courts with Variant Jurisdictions to One Supreme Court with United Constitutional Jurisdiction, in Constitutional Interpretation: Theory and Practice (Volume 4), pp. 523~596 (Taipei: Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, May 2005) (ISBN: 986-00-0922-8).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Constitutional Structure and Judicial Review of Constitutionality: A Critical Review of the Council of Grand Justices’ Interpretation No. 520 regarding the Constitutionality of the Unilateral Decision by the Executive Yuan to Suspend the Construction of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant〉, in Interpretation of the Constitution in Theories and Practices (Volume 3) Part II, pp. 307~370 (Taipei: Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, September 2001) (ISBN: 9576718740).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Instituting Direct Democracy in Taiwan: A Critical Review of the Draft Initiative and Referendum Act of 2001〉, in Modern Theories of Public Law Revisited: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr. Yueh-Sheng Weng’s 70th Birthday, pp. 457~514 (Taipei: Angel Publishing, July 2002) (ISBN: 9572022563).

Dennis Te-Chung. Tang,Chapter 16: Administrative Procedures, in Administrative Law 2000, pp. 787~958 (Yuh-Sheng Weng ed.) (Taipei: Hanlu Publishing, 2nd ed., 2000) (ISBN: 9579746117)

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Due Process in the Administrative Appeal Act〉, in Treatise on Administrative Appeal Act and Administrative Procedure Act, pp. 53~90 (Taipei: The Administrative Appeal Committee, Taipei Municipal Government, July 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈On the Right to Hearing in the Administrative Appeal Procedure: Paper Hearing, Written Statement, and Oral Argument〉, in Treatise on the Administrative Appeal Procedure and the Administrative Procedure, pp. 145~169 (Taipei: The Administrative Appeal Committee, Taipei Municipal Government, July 2000).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Commentary on the Administrative Procedure Act 1999 of Taiwan〉, in Proceedings of 1999 Cross-Strait Administrative Law Conference, pp. 227~296 (Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Publishing, July 2000) (ISBN: 7562011893).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Doctrine of Separation of Powers and the Limits of Judicial Review: Reconsidering the Legitimacy of Constitution Interpretation in the Abstract by the Council of Grand Justices,〉 in Theories and Practices of Judicial Review in Taiwan, pp. 121~160 (Taipei: ISSP, Academia Sinica, May 1998) (ISBN: 9576715717).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Chapter 16: Administrative Procedures, in Administrative Law 1998〉, pp. 769~872 (Yuh-Sheng Weng ed.) (Taipei: Hanlu Publishing, 1998) (ISBN: 9579727287).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Appeal System for the Federal Employees against Adverse Personnel Actions in the United States of America〉, in A Comparative Study on the Legal Protection of Civil Employees: with Draft Revisions to the Civil Servants Protection Act, pp. 69~89 (Wu Geng ed.) (Taipei: Civil Service Protection and Training Commission, Examination Yuan, March 1998).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Current Recycling System of Taiwan〉, in A Comparative Study on Waste Recycling Systems, pp. 11~133 (Taipei: Council for Research, Development and Review, R.O.C. Cabinet, 1997) (ISBN: 9570207299).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Waste Recycling System of the United Kingdom〉, in A Comparative Study on Waste Recycling Systems, pp. 135~192 (Taipei: Council for Research, Development and Review, R.O.C. Cabinet, 1997) (ISBN: 9570207299).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Waste Recycling System of Sweden〉, in A Comparative Study on Waste Recycling Systems, pp. 219~250 (Taipei: Council for Research, Development and Review, R.O.C. Cabinet, 1997) (ISBN: 9570207299).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Waste Recycling System of the United States〉, in A Comparative Study on Waste Recycling Systems, pp. 285~316 (Taipei: Council for Research, Development and Review, R.O.C. Cabinet, 1997) (ISBN: 9570207299).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Facing the Stalemate of and Looking for Breakthroughs for Taiwanese Environmental Protection〉, in Strategies for Better Quality of Life Towards the 21st Century, pp. 1~37 (Cheng-Wen Tzai ed.) (Taipei: National Development Foundation, May 1996) (ISBN: 9579956634).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Study of the U.S. Government Procurement Act〉, in A Study of US Public Contract Law-- Recommendations on Reforming the ROC Government Procurement System, pp. 21~196 (Taipei: Council for Research, Development and Review, R.O.C. Cabinet, Sept. 1993) (ISBN: 9570028572).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Reflections on the U.S. Government Procurement Act〉, in A Study of US Public Contract Law-- Recommendations on Reforming the ROC Government Procurement System, pp. 325~369 (Taipei: Council for Research, Development and Review, R.O.C. Cabinet, Sept. 1993) (ISBN: 9570028572).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Environmental Law and Policy of Taiwan: A Review of the Status Quo and Prospects for the Future〉, in Modern Theories of Public Law: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr. Yuh-Sheng Weng's 60th Birthday, pp. 639~718 (Taipei: 1993) (ISBN: 9576960436).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈On the Political and Legal Feasibility of Joint Disposal of Nuclear Waste by the ROC and the PRC〉, in A Comprehensive Analysis of the Feasibility of Joint Disposal of Nuclear Waste by the ROC and PRC, pp. 83~142 (Taipei: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Executive Yuan, 1992).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈The Doctrine of Separation of Powers in the United States of America: A Preliminary Reflection of the Feasibility of Shifting to a Presidential System in the ROC〉, in US Congress: Institution and Operations, pp. 1~40 (Taipei: IEAS, Academia Sinica, 1992) (Received Outstanding Research Award. National Science Council, 1992).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Essence of the American Administrative Procedure Act〉, inA Comparative Study of the Administrative Procedure Act: With A Draft Administrative Procedure Act for the Republic of China, pp. 181~202 (Dr. Yueh Sheng Weng ed.) (Taipei: Council for Economic Planning and Development, R.O.C. Cabinet, December 1990)

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Rule-Making Design on a Comparative Basis: A Commentary on the Rule-Making Procedures in the Draft Administrative Procedure Act〉A Comparative Study of the Administrative Procedure Act: With A Draft Administrative Procedure Act for the Republic of China, pp. 321~364 (Dr. Yueh Sheng Weng ed.) (Taipei: Council for Economic Planning and Development, R.O.C. Cabinet, December 1990)

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Study of Environmental Dispute Resolution Alternatives in the US〉, in Environmental Dispute Resolution and Civil Remedies, pp. 153~180 (Yo Bo Zheng ed.) (Taipei: Council for Economic Planning and Development, May 1988).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈A Study of Toxic Waste Compensation in the US〉, in Environmental Dispute Resolution and Civil Remedies, pp. 239~260 (Yo Bo Zheng ed.) (Taipei: Council for Economic Planning and Development, May 1988).

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Chapter I/ Comparative Law: D. The US Law〉, inResearch on Environmental Statutes, pp. 155~198 (Ke, Ze-Dong ed.) (Taipei: Council for Economic Planning and Development, September 1987)

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Chapter II/ Taiwanese Law, Subchapter VII/ Environmental Impact Assessment〉, inResearch on Environmental Statutes, pp. 242~253 (Ke, Ze- Dong ed.) (Taipei: Council for Economic Planning and Development, September 1987)

Dennis T. C. Tang,〈Chapter II/ Taiwanese Law, Subchapter VIII/ Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection〉, inResearch on Environmental Statutes, pp. 254~261 (Ke, Ze-Dong ed.) (Taipei: Council for Economic Planning and Development, September 1987)

English Articles

Dennis T. C. Tang, 〈Environment and Trade Issues in the 2002 Resources Recycling and Reuse Act of Taiwan〉, in New Challenges for Sustainable Development in Millenniums, pp. 251~278 (Chung-hua Institute for Economic Research, August 2003).
(ISBN: 9867838173)

Dennis T. C. Tang, 〈Chapter 14: Taiwan〉, in Environmental Law and Enforcement in the Asia-Pacific Rim, pp. 435~486 (Sweet & Maxwell, 2002).
(ISBN: 9626610239)

Dennis T. C. Tang, 〈Judicial Review and Transition of Authoritarianism in Taiwan〉, in Change of an Authoritarian Regime: Taiwan in the Post-Marital Law Era,pp. 439~470 (Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 2001).
(ISBN: 9576717485)